
Baby Chooses Her First Pokemon - Video

The firsts in a baby’s life are always very important and exciting. Especially for the parents. In this case, nerdy parents Cody...

Bumiku 11 Oct, 2017

Parents & Kids Smoke Weed Together For The First Time - Video

So wherever you come from: Of course you should only do this, when you are of age and it is legal in your country. But even if y...

Bumiku 8 May, 2017

How To Remove Your Kid’s Boots With No Hands - Video

When it snows grownups and kids usually go through opposite emotions. Children are super excited to play in the snow and for the...

Bumiku 1 May, 2017

Hide And Seek From Toddler’s Perspective Is The Cutest - Video

Just 20 years ago, a video like this would have been impossible. But now we’re in the future! So strapping a GoPro to your toddl...

Bumiku 12 Apr, 2017