Victoria’s Secret Models Sing ‘Santa Baby’ - Video
Maybe this isn’t the best sounding cover version of this song ever, but definitely one of the most beautiful looking ones. Victo...
Maybe this isn’t the best sounding cover version of this song ever, but definitely one of the most beautiful looking ones. Victo...
This can be very shocking in the middel of a thriller!
Cat is tired of it all and makes a great show of going to bed.
This cat doesn’t fucking think so. Step up your game, or this grammar-nazi-cat is coming for you.
Izabela Stress put herself in a lot of stress by putting herself into a lot of peel off mask. What looks like a goofy thing to d...
Interesting piece by “MinuteEarth” on the functionality of our brain. Which segments are responsible for what action? For exampl...
What type of walker are you? This guy can walk all the walks, but a little background music would’ve been nice.
Hollywood director Spike Jonze is famous for his deep and emotionally enthralling award winning films. The special effects nerds...
YouTube’s newest and hottest cocktail channel, Cocktail Chemistry, has returned with arguably their best video to date. This tim...
Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc. not only has one of the most remarkable names for a channel on YouTube, he also knows how to cook re...
The media has called it months ago. Hillary will be the first female presidential candidate running for the Democratic Party. Bu...