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No Brain, No Pain - Meme

Well, sometimes it’s just better to think and doubt less.

Bumiku 19 Aug, 2017

Bottle Flipping Troll - Video

Teacher goes the extra mile to troll his students. LOL!

Bumiku 19 Aug, 2017

Cyanide & Happiness Short: Gym Class - Video

I actually think that “Cyanide & Happiness” did have a lot better shorts in the past, but this one got about three million v...

Bumiku 18 Aug, 2017

Girl Walks With Baby White Rhino - Video

Most little girls love kittens, puppies, and ponies. But what about a rhinoceros? They might not seem like it, but baby rhinos a...

Bumiku 18 Aug, 2017

Melting A Padlock With A Hair Dryer - Video

A hair dryer can reach unfathomable temperatures, but did you know you could melt a padlock with it? Looks pretty cool if you as...

Bumiku 17 Aug, 2017

Bacon And Chocolate Pizza, I Can’t Even… - Video

Bacon and chocolate are both delicious. But together, on a pizza?! That’s some disgusting food.

Bumiku 17 Aug, 2017

How A Melancholy Egg Yolk Conquered Japan - Video

Japan is known for their weird shit, so it’s no surprise they love this egg yolk cartoon.

Bumiku 17 Aug, 2017

Mud Is Good For The Skin - GIF

There’s still people that never watched a fail compilation. This is the result.

Bumiku 17 Aug, 2017

Hugh Jackman Loses It Over Sir Patrick Stewart’s Ridiculous Circumcision Story - Video

Over 1.7 million views on this bit from The Graham Norton Show. “Even Graham can’t stop laughing.”

Bumiku 17 Aug, 2017

Huge Airlander 10 Blimp Has The Softest Crash Landing Ever - Video

If only all crash landings were this soft and quiet. The world’s biggst aircrasft ever, the 300 foot long Airlander 10 blimp, ha...

Bumiku 17 Aug, 2017

Experience YouTube in #SnoopaVision - Video

As you might have noticed, there is a new feature on YouTube available on specific videos that lets you click and drag to look a...

Bumiku 16 Aug, 2017

Party Hard - Meme

Party hard, bro! A true boss, ready to get shitfaced.

Bumiku 16 Aug, 2017