Search results for duet

Trump and Hillary Sing Time of My Life

YouTuber zeal has uploaded a splendid parody of the presidential debate by hooking Donald and Clinton up as a duet...

Bumiku 5 Jan, 2017

Father And Son Sing Heartwarming Frank Sinatra Duet In The Car - Video

The boy is so sweet! Archie is six years old but got the whole lyrics to this Sinatra / Sammy Davis Jr. classic right. Along wit...

Bumiku 5 Apr, 2017

Jimmy Fallon And Billy Joel Sing Beast Of Burden - Video

There are few classic rock songs as famous and catchy as the Rolling Stones hit Beast of Burden. While hosting music legend Bill...

Bumiku 18 Jul, 2016

Trump and Hillary Sing Time of My Life -

YouTuber zeal has uploaded a splendid parody of the presidential debate by hooking Donald and Clinton up as a duett p...

Bumiku 9 Dec, 2016