Epic Rap Battle

Alexander The Great VS Ivan The Terrible - Video

Alexander The Great is one of world history’s most famous leaders. You know you’re a big deal when history remembers the word ‘g...

Bumiku 13 May, 2017

Bruce Banner VS Bruce Jenner Epic Rap Battle - Video

Bruce Banner is the Marvel character better known as The Hulk, the super strong green monster. Before publicly changing her name...

Bumiku 13 Mar, 2017

Gordon Ramsay VS Julia Child Epic Rap Battle - Video

There are a couple well known TV cooks and chefs, but few compare to the fame of world famous British five star chef Gordon Rams...

Bumiku 20 Apr, 2015

James Bond VS Austin Powers Epic Rap Battle - Video

James Bond is probably the most famous spy in the world. For decades now, he’s been known as the slick, sexy spy who can save th...

Bumiku 8 Apr, 2015