
Jack Black Guest Stars On South Korean TV Show - Video

Why is this clip from an obscure South Korean TV show trending on YouTube? Because comedian Jack Black is a guest star! The come...

Bumiku 17 Nov, 2017

Japanese Surgeons Compete In Unexpected Tasks - Video

Most new doctors assume that the only skills they will need to get hired at a hospital are book smarts. But not at the Kurashiki...

Bumiku 3 Sep, 2017

Korean Girls Try American BBQ For The First Time - Video

America has some of the best foods in the world. Burgers, fries, pizza, hot dogs, BBW, we’ve got it all. BBQ, like so many other...

Bumiku 16 Jul, 2017

Fake Korean Pop Star Prank - Video

It’s been done before, but never in China. It seems it doesn’t matter where you are in the world. If you have an entourage of ho...

Bumiku 5 Jun, 2017

Japanese Insect Glue Trap Commercial Will Have You Asking WTF - Video

Japan is known to make Americans go WTF, but this new commercial has even surprised Western Internet users. And that’s no small ...

Bumiku 5 Jun, 2017

Japan Zoo Holds Escaped Zebra Drill - Video

The Japanese are famous for being well prepared for nearly any emergency situation. Associated Press reports that recently, they...

Bumiku 14 Feb, 2017

Escalator Descending Down Int Pyongyang’s Subway Is Eerie - Video

North Korea is one of the most secluded countries in the world. Nearly all media companies are banned from the country, except t...

Bumiku 24 Nov, 2016

Koreans Take SAT Math Section - Video

We often hear in the media that America students are constantly scoring lower than their counterparts in more and more countries...

Bumiku 23 Nov, 2016

Asians Are Super Excited To Meet Black Couple In Malaysia - Video

While on their trip to Malaysia, SolineSoKawaii and her partner were shocked by all of the attention they received. Everywhere t...

Bumiku 14 Oct, 2016

How To Husk A Coconut - Video

Husking a coconut is a handy skill, for you ever get stuck on an island by yourself, so pay attention!

Bumiku 4 Oct, 2016