
Pandas Mess With Staff As They Attempt To Clean - Video

Without a doubt, the panda is the cutest bear. They’re basically the closest thing to pet bears. Chinese news channel CCTV News ...

Bumiku 21 Sep, 2016

Bears Dancing To ‘Jungle Boogie’ (Planet Earth II) - Video

Another entertaining clip from the BBC series “Planet Earth” that shows us some dancing bears. Quite more than the nature filmin...

Bumiku 31 Oct, 2015

Panda Plays In #Blizzard2016 Snow - Video

Sure, the grownups and politicians are grumbling about #Blizzard2016 as they have to deal with the mess. But the kids and pets a...

Bumiku 27 Oct, 2015

Russian Couple Live With Domesticated Bear - Video

Dogs have been domesticated and pets of humans for centuries. But their much bigger bear cousins just aren’t nice enough to keep...

Bumiku 9 Jun, 2015

Toronto Zoo Giant Panda vs. Snowman - Video

This little guy doesn’t like his new flatmate… 🙂 The video about Da Mao got over 1 million views on YouTube. “Toronto Zoo K...

Bumiku 7 May, 2015