card trick

Learn 4 Amazing Christmas Magic Tricks - Video

If you need to entertain the family over the holidays, maybe this card tricks performed and explained by Oscar Owen can inspire ...

Bumiku 12 Jun, 2017

Stunning Card Illusions By Zach Mueller - Video

Kuma Films visited Zach Mueller to catch some of his “California Caristry”. His original tricks and illusions in this video alre...

Bumiku 5 Jun, 2017

David Blaine Shocks Jimmy Fallon with Magic Tricks

Do you remember David Blaine? He got to visit the Tonight Show and show a few little tricks. And a major one, getting Jimmy ...

Bumiku 8 Dec, 2016

David Blaine Shocks Jimmy Fallon with Magic Tricks - Video

Do you remember David Blaine? He got to visit the Tonight Show and show a few little tricks. And a major one, getting Jimmy Fall...

Bumiku 26 Sep, 2015