
Why Red Means Republican And Blue Means Democrat

For me as a foreigner US politics are highly interesting – and soo different. So perhaps you already knew, why the Republica...

Bumiku 5 Dec, 2016

Why Red Means Republican And Blue Means Democrat - Video

For me as a foreigner US politics are highly interesting – and soo different. So perhaps you already knew, why the Republican Pa...

Bumiku 4 Dec, 2016

Why Is Poop Brown And Pee Yellow? - Video

Another one of this really big questions of life. MinuteEarth got over 100,000 views on YouTube, explaining to us the elementary...

Bumiku 12 Nov, 2016

Setting Up Fireworks Inside Of A Printer - Video

This colorful explosion performed by thehypnoguy1 nearly got a million views on YouTube. “We’ve all wanted to do this to a p...

Bumiku 6 Dec, 2015

Beautiful Rainbow Crystal Geode - Video

Far Arden delivers these beautiful rocks that you can even buy at Etsy. “If a unicorn and a rock had a baby, it would be thi...

Bumiku 7 Sep, 2015

Kids Describe Color To A Blind Person - Video

Cut invited Mack to sit on a couch and let some kids tell him about colors. This very heartful and entertaining video is trendin...

Bumiku 17 Jun, 2015