
Little Girl Can’t Stop Laughing When Dad Explains What Snow Is - Video

Some children struggle in class when trying to understand the science behind precipitation, especially snow. But Mr Curmudgeon‘s...

Bumiku 1 Dec, 2017

Girl Has The Best Reaction To Reveal Of Darth Vader As Luke’s Father - Video

Every parent has an important job to do once their kids are of age. That job is to show their kids Star Wars in the original ord...

Bumiku 20 Dec, 2016

Dad Dances With Daughter In The Kitchen - Video

The Internet can be a pretty harsh place. Thankfully, there are dads like this guy who help add some soul and love to the Web. W...

Bumiku 22 Nov, 2015

Dad ‘Snipes’ Toddler With Pillow - Video

Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. But there are a few perks that makes it worthwhile. One of those said pe...

Bumiku 16 Oct, 2015