
Time Lapse Shows Hurricane Matthew Slam Jacksonville Beach - Video

Interesting footage from John Johnson / Storful that shows the dramatic impact of the recent hurricane Matthew on the sea side o...

Bumiku 22 Sep, 2017

Hurricane Matthew Meets Slayer - Video

Rocking the weather US-style. Crazy! “Lane Pittman. Slayer. America. Hurricane Matthew. Turn it up! Where you at Emma Watson?!”

Bumiku 5 May, 2017

Hurricane Matthew Meets Slayer

Rocking the weather US-style. Crazy! “Lane Pittman. Slayer. America. Hurricane Matthew. Turn it up! Where you at Emma Wat...

Bumiku 5 Jan, 2017

Time Lapse Shows Hurricane Matthew Slam Jacksonville Beach

Interesting footage from John Johnson / Storful that shows the dramatic impact of the recent hurricane Matthew on the sea sid...

Bumiku 5 Jan, 2017

Dude Perfect’s Extreme Weather Golf Battle - Video

Take a virtual golf court, some crazy tricksters and a lot of bad weather and et voila – 2.6 million views within a day! “Ti...

Bumiku 27 May, 2015