Search results for emma watson

Hurricane Matthew Meets Slayer

Rocking the weather US-style. Crazy! “Lane Pittman. Slayer. America. Hurricane Matthew. Turn it up! Where you at Emma Wat...

Bumiku 5 Jan, 2017

Disney Classic The Beauty and the Beast get the honest treatment - Video

With Emma Watson’s new adaptation of the old Disney classic The Beauty and the Beast coming out in 2 days, Screen Junkies gets h...

Bumiku 29 Dec, 2017

7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Harry Potter

Yep, the new “Harry Potter” is going to bring you a magic castle full of cultural things around the little magician. This tim...

Bumiku 6 Dec, 2016

Hurricane Matthew Meets Slayer - Video

Rocking the weather US-style. Crazy! “Lane Pittman. Slayer. America. Hurricane Matthew. Turn it up! Where you at Emma Watson...

Bumiku 5 May, 2017