Happy 2017! - Video
Okay, this might feel kind of akward to some of you, but I think it is rather special: We in Germany already have 2017 – so happ...
Okay, this might feel kind of akward to some of you, but I think it is rather special: We in Germany already have 2017 – so happ...
Being happy isn’t as easy as it might seem, but we got you. Watch and learn!
This recut by Nico Bellamy works pretty well. “A recut trailer featuring George Miller’s Mad Max: Fury Road and Happy Feet.”
This is cute! 🙂 Callum Lenton gathered over 400,000 views on YouTube with this clip. “I am sold dance, happy pupper dance”
Everyone loves a cute dog, but there’s something magical and primal about playing with the ancestor of the modern dog, a real wo...
Debbie Barber came across a pretty happy horse.
Uh, this is a tough topic that Billy On The Street conquers with this video: guns and their purchase… “In Super Sloppy, Semi...
This one is for the best friends. You’re proud and happy to be together!
In real life is just happy sailing, but online, when anonymous, the gloves really come off!
How can you not love life when even this little shit is having a good time?
That there are lots of reaky and positively crazy people on the “Got Talent” shows worldwide ist common knowledge. But this guy ...
Aren’t you sick of all those “How to be happy” or “The happiest you in three simple steps” advices?! This is for you then, how t...
Do you remember David Blaine? He got to visit the Tonight Show and show a few little tricks. And a major one, getting Jimmy ...
This is the difference between cats and dogs right there–dogs just love any form of attention, cats need three manuals to kind of feel s...
This adorable little kitten decided to escape from its enclosure. But once it reached the edge, it decided to jump into the pupp...