Search results for hurricane

Hurricane Matthew Meets Slayer

Rocking the weather US-style. Crazy! “Lane Pittman. Slayer. America. Hurricane Matthew. Turn it up! Where you at Emma Wat...

Bumiku 5 Jan, 2017

Time Lapse Shows Hurricane Matthew Slam Jacksonville Beach

Interesting footage from John Johnson / Storful that shows the dramatic impact of the recent hurricane Matthew on the sea sid...

Bumiku 5 Jan, 2017

Windsurfing in Extreme Hurricane Conditions -

Red Bull is chasing storms again and has a few really intense images for us, where pro surfers get the wind of their lives. ...

Bumiku 29 May, 2017

Windsurfing in Extreme Hurricane Conditions

Red Bull is chasing storms again and has a few really intense images for us, where pro surfers get the wind of their lives. ...

Bumiku 17 Dec, 2016

Hurricane Matthew Meets Slayer - Video

Rocking the weather US-style. Crazy! “Lane Pittman. Slayer. America. Hurricane Matthew. Turn it up! Where you at Emma Watson...

Bumiku 5 May, 2017

Time Lapse Shows Hurricane Matthew Slam Jacksonville Beach - Video

Interesting footage from John Johnson / Storful that shows the dramatic impact of the recent hurricane Matthew on the sea side o...

Bumiku 22 Sep, 2017

5 Awesome Car Life Hacks

Dave Hax has done it again. A million views with a video full of some neat life hacks. So if you have a car or friends who do...

Bumiku 5 Jan, 2017

Biggest Crashing Waves Ever Filmed?!

Wow! Earth Uncut TV got some pretty huge waves on film. These are really enormous! “A selection of the biggest waves sh...

Bumiku 2 Dec, 2016

Steam Roller vs Golf Balls

A little “older” (in interwebz-time) but such a gem that I have to post it anyway. An 8 ton steamroller vs a 1 1/2 ounce ...

Bumiku 5 Jan, 2017

Awesome 3-String Shovel Guitar

Justin Johnson cranks up this 3-string shovel guitar made by Mississippi Blues Guitars. And it sounds really cool! ...

Bumiku 5 Jan, 2017

Hurricane Sandy - Meme

Hey, do you even know how hard it is to pick up a plastic, white chair?! We will rebuild.

Bumiku 9 Jul, 2017

Clueless Gamer Outtakes: “Gears of War 4” With Wiz Khalifa

After seeing Wiz Khalifa challenging Conan O’Brien in Gears Of War 4, TeamCoco has published a little outtake clip showing th...

Bumiku 17 Dec, 2016

nigahiga’s “Saddest Video Ever”

YouTuber nigahiga was challenged by his readers to accomplish the “Try Not To Cry Challenge”. After him crying a lot in the f...

Bumiku 5 Jan, 2017

Dude Perfect’s Extreme Weather Golf Battle - Video

Take a virtual golf court, some crazy tricksters and a lot of bad weather and et voila – 2.6 million views within a day! “Ti...

Bumiku 27 May, 2015

Thinnest Wood Shavings You Have Ever Seen

I have to admit, that I don’t watch thin wood shavings very often, but this one seems to be really thin. Incredible japanese ...

Bumiku 18 Dec, 2016