Search results for trap

Mouse Trap vs Hot Dog At 147,000 FPS - Video

Wow – this ultra slow motion footage by Warped Perception is pretty incredible. Offside it’s beauty and mechanical movement, I n...

Bumiku 14 Dec, 2015

Tongue In Mouse Trap Will Make You Cringe - Video

The Slow Mo Guys have apparently recorded nearly everything they can think of on their super slow motion cameras. So now that th...

Bumiku 10 May, 2016

Japanese Insect Glue Trap Commercial Will Have You Asking WTF - Video

Japan is known to make Americans go WTF, but this new commercial has even surprised Western Internet users. And that’s no small ...

Bumiku 5 Jun, 2017

A Giant Mouse Trap - Video

What do you do when your house is haunted by mice? You obviously build a giant mouse trap.

Bumiku 22 Dec, 2017

It’s A Trap! - Meme

Admiral Ackbar says: It’s a trap!

Bumiku 4 Apr, 2016

The ShutTheFuckUp-Song

Finally a song to all the trolls and idiots out there. Share them the link to this article, if they are rude to you! It alre...

Bumiku 13 Jan, 2017