Search results for dramatic

Overly Dramatic People Are Living Click Bait - Video

This compilation of overly dramatic people shows how much they love drama. Or is there something else going on?

Bumiku 11 Apr, 2016

Wolf Hunts Down Goat In Dramatic Desert Chase - Video

Nature is brutal, we all know that. But in case you needed a reminder…

Bumiku 8 Jun, 2017

Time Lapse Shows Hurricane Matthew Slam Jacksonville Beach

Interesting footage from John Johnson / Storful that shows the dramatic impact of the recent hurricane Matthew on the sea sid...

Bumiku 5 Jan, 2017

Staff Surprises CEO With Brand New Tesla After Dramatic Pay Raise - Video

There’s been a lot of talk about the minimum wage over the past few years. Instead of waiting for the government to take on the ...

Bumiku 30 Jun, 2015

Girl Has The Best Reaction To Reveal Of Darth Vader As Luke’s Father - Video

Every parent has an important job to do once their kids are of age. That job is to show their kids Star Wars in the original ord...

Bumiku 20 Dec, 2016

Denzel Washington Dramatically Reads Greeting Cards - Video

Another trending video from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. With this issue of “Greeting Card Monologue” featuring actor...

Bumiku 24 Mar, 2017

Little Flower Girl Adorably Runs In The Background During Wedding Ceremony - Video

The moment when the bride and groom are reciting their vows and promising to only have each other is one of the most dramatic an...

Bumiku 14 Sep, 2016

Time Lapse Shows Hurricane Matthew Slam Jacksonville Beach - Video

Interesting footage from John Johnson / Storful that shows the dramatic impact of the recent hurricane Matthew on the sea side o...

Bumiku 22 Sep, 2017

Aziz Ansari And Jimmy Fallon Dramatically Read Bad Yelp Reviews - Video

Aziz Ansari could read anything and it would be hilarious! The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon got him to read a few really b...

Bumiku 22 Oct, 2015

Billy on the Street: Lupita Nyong’o Tries Stand Up - Video

Actress Lupita Nyong’o tests her comedy skills on people on the streets of New York City by reciting some pieces from Louie CK, ...

Bumiku 26 Mar, 2016

Popping A Giant Balloon While Standing Inside It - Video

Somehow, Gavin of The Slow Mo Guys managed to climb his way inside of a giant, 6 foot blue balloon. He then made a dramatic stan...

Bumiku 16 Sep, 2017